发表文章(Publication List) |
[92]. Zheng, H.; Chen, S.; Li, D.; Dong, Y.; Guo, Y.; Li, L.; Zhan, H.; Luo, X.; Peng, J. Tailoring Polymorph, Crystal Orientation, and Large-Scale Alignment in Conjugated Polymers via Rubbing for Field-Effect Transistors. Macromolecules 2024. (DOI:10.1021/acs.macromol.3c02626)
[91]. Zhu, S.; Li, D.; Zhan, H.; Chen, S.; Peng, J. Synergistic Manipulation of Phase Transition between Cocrystallization and Microphase Segregation in Conjugated Triblock Copolymers for Organic Field-Effect Transistors. Macromolecules 2024, 57 (5), 2067–2077.
[90]. Zhao, Q.; Li, D.; Peng, J. Meticulous Molecular Engineering of Crystal Orientation and Morphology in Conjugated Polymer Thin Films for Field-Effect Transistors. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16 (7), 9098–9107.
[89]. Dong, Y.; Zheng, H.; Lin, Z.; Peng, J. Rapid Meniscus-Assisted Solution Printing of Large-Area Stripe Arrays of Highly Oriented Conjugated Polymers for Field-Effect Transistors. ACS Macro Lett. 2024, 212–218.
[88]. Jiang, Y.; Zhao, Q.; Liu, X.; Peng J. Synthesis and Aggregation Behavior of Poly(5-Alkyl-2,3-Thiophene)-Based Diblock Copolymers. J. Polym. Sci. 2023. (DOI:10.1002/pol.20230843)
[87]. Li, D.; Zhao, Q.; Zheng, H.; Peng J. Unfolding the Correlation between Solution Aggregation and Solid-State Crystal Orientation in Donor–Acceptor Copolymers via Solvent Additive Processing. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2023, 2300288.
[86]. Zhao, Q.; Zhu, S.; Peng J. Unraveling the Co-Crystallization–Charge Transport Relation in Conjugated Polymer Blends via Meniscus-Assisted Solution-Shearing. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2023, 44, 2200622.
[85]. Zhu, S.; Peng J. Enhanced Solvent and Thermal Stability in Cross-Linkable Conjugated Statistical Copolymers for Organic Field-Effect Transistors. Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29, e202203571.
[84]. Zhu, S. Y.; Peng J. Meniscus-Assisted Solution Printing Enables Cocrystallization in Poly(3-Alkylthiophene)-Based Blends for Field-Effect Transistors. Chinese J. Polym. Sci. 2023, 41, 1269–1276.
[83]. Chen, S.; Zheng, H.; Dong, Y.; Peng J. Tailoring Polymorph, Cocrystallization, and Phase Separation in Conjugated Polymer Blends via Meniscus-Assisted Solution Shearing. Macromolecules 2023, 56, 7737–7748.
[82]. Zhang, T.; Zhang, L.; Wang, S.; Li, J.; Zuo, J.; Chen, R.; Yu, X.; Peng J.; Zhang, Q.; Han, Y. Enhancing the Enrichment of Conjugated Polymer at Surfaces of Its Elastomer Blend Film via Increasing Molecular Weight to Induce Desired Nanofibril Network for Highly Stretchable Polymer Film. Polymer. 2023, 278, 125986.
[81]. Zhao, Q.; Li, D.; Peng J. Interrogating Polymorphism in Conjugated Poly(Thieno)Thiophene Thin Films for Field-Effect Transistors. Macromolecules 2022, 56, 490?500.
[80]. Chen, S.; Zheng, H.; Liu, X.; Peng J. Tailoring Co-Crystallization over Microphase Separation in Conjugated Block Copolymers via Rational Film Processing for Field-Effect Transistors. Macromolecules 2022, 55, 10405–10414.
[79]. Li, L.; Li, L.; Liu, X.; Peng J. Tuning Cocrystallization, Microphase Separation, and Optical Property of All-Conjugated Triblock Copolymers by Molecular Engineering. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2022, 4, 8461–8470.
[78]. Chen, S.; Zhu, S.; Lin, Z.; Peng J. Transforming Polymorphs via Meniscus-Assisted Solution-Shearing Conjugated Polymers for Organic Field-Effect Transistors. ACS Nano 2022, 16, 11194–11203.
[77]. Li, L.; Zhan, H.; Chen, S.; Zhao, Q.; Peng J. Interrogating the Effect of Block Sequence on Cocrystallization, Microphase Separation, and Charge Transport in All-Conjugated Triblock Copolymers. Macromolecules 2022, 55, 7834?7844.
[76]. Li, L.; Zhao, Q.; Chen, S.; Lin, Z.; Peng J. Unfolding the Cocrystallization–Charge Transport Correlation in All-Conjugated Triblock Copolymers via Meticulous Molecular Engineering for Organic Field-Effect Transistors. Nano Energy 2022, 100, 107489.
[75]. Yin, Y.; Zhu, S.; Chen, S.; Lin, Z.; Peng J. Rapid Meniscus-Assisted Solution-Printing of Conjugated Block Copolymers for Field-Effect Transistors. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32, 2110824.
[74]. Ni, B.; Fu, C.; Pan, S.; He, L.; Lin, Z.; Peng J. Semiconducting Spaghetti-like Organic-Inorganic Nanojunctions via Sequential Self-Assembly of Conjugated Polymers and Quantum Dots. Chem. Mater. 2022, 34, 847–853.
[73]. S. Pan, J. Peng*, Z. Q. Lin*, Large-Scale Rapid Positioning of Hierarchical Assemblies of Conjugated Polymers via Meniscus-Assisted Self-Assembly, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021 , 60, 11751–11757. 
[72]. Y. Yin , S.W. Chen, S.Y.Zhu, L.X.Li, D.L. Zhai, D.Q. Huang, J. Peng*, Tailoring Cocrystallization and Microphase Separation in Rod-Rod Block Copolymers for Field-Effect Transistors, Macromolecules 2021 , (DOI:10.1021/acs.macromol.0c02788). 
[71]. D. Q. Huang, J. Peng*, Correlating crystalline structure with charge mobility in conjugated statistical copolymers for field-effect transistors, Polymer 2021 , 227, 123854. 
[70]. Z. L. Li, J. Peng*, Z. Q. Lin*, One-dimensional hairy CNT/polymer/Au nanocomposites via ligating with amphiphilic crosslinkable block copolymers, Giant 2021 , 5, 100048. 
[69]. Z. L. Li, M. Tang, S. Liang, M. Y. Zhang, Biesold GM., Y. J. He, S. M. Hao, Choi W., Y. J. Liu, J. Peng*, Z. Q. Lin, *, Bottlebrush polymers: From controlled synthesis, self-assembly, properties to applications, Prog. Polym. Sci. 2021 , 116, 101387. 
[68]. J. Peng*, Y. C. Han*, Recent advances in conjugated polythiophene-based rod–rod block copolymers: From morphology control to optoelectronic applications, Giant 2020 , 4, 100039. 
[67]. S. Chen, L. Li, D. Zhai, Y. Yin, X. Shang, B. Ni, J. Peng*, Cocsrystallization-promoted Charge Mobility in All-Conjugated Diblock Copolymers for High-Performance Field-Effect Transistors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 58094-58104.
[66]. X. Shang, Y. Yin, S. Chen, M. Zhu, D. Zhai, X. Liu, J. Peng*, Unravelling the Correlation between Microphase Separation and Cocrystallization in Thiophene-Selenophene Block Copolymers for Organic Field-Effect Transistors, Macromolecules 2020 , 53, 10245-10255. 
[65]. S. Pan, H. Zou, A. C. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Yu, C. Lan, Q. Liu, Z. Wang, T. Lian, J. Peng*, Z. Lin,* Rapid Capillary-Assisted Solution Printing of Perovskite Nanowire Arrays Enables Scalable Production of Photodetectors, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, doi.org/10.1002/anie.202004912. (hot paper) 
[64]. Q. Fan+, G. V. Biesold-McGee+, J. Ma,* Q. Xu, S. Pan, J. Peng*, Z. Lin,* Lead-Free Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals: Crystal Structures, Synthesis, Stabilities, and Optical Properties*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 1030-1046. 
[63]. D. Zhai, M. Zhu, S. Chen, Y. Yin, X. Shang, L. Li, G. Zhou, J. Peng*, Effect of Block Sequence in All-Conjugated Triblock Copoly(3-alkylthiophene)s on Control of the Crystallization and Field-Effect Mobility, Macromolecules 2020, 53, 5775-5786. 
[62]. S. Pan, Y. Chen, Z. Wang, Y. Harn, J. Yu, A. Wang, M. J. Smith, Z. Li, V. V. Tsukruk, J. Peng*, Z. Lin*, Strongly-ligated Perovskite Quantum Dots with Precisely Controlled Dimensions and Architectures for White Light-Emitting Diodes, Nano Energy 2020, 77, 105043. 
[61]. B. Ni, Y. Yin, J. Peng*, A Simple Route to Hierarchical Rings of Diblock Copolymer Micelles*, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2020, 41(2), 1900525. 
[60]. 尹悦, 翟大龙, 陈舒雯, 尚 鑫, 李立心, 彭 娟*, 全共轭聚噻吩类和聚硒吩类嵌段共聚物的凝聚态结构调控*, 高分子学报 2020, 5(5), 434-447. 
[59]. L. He, S. Pan, Z. Lin, J. Peng*, Rapid Route to Polar Solvent-Directed Growth of Perovskite Nanowires, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2019, 2(12), 7910-7915. 
[58].Y. Chen, Z. Wang, Y. Harn, S. Pan, Z. Li, S. Lin, J. Peng, G. Zhang, Z. Lin,* Resolving Optical and Catalytic Activities in Thermoresponsive Nanoparticles by Permanent Ligation with Temperature-Sensitive Polymers, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 11910-11917. (selected as VIP)
[57].S. Pan, C. Fu, M. Zhu, L. He, Y. Yang, H. Zhang, X. Liu, F. Qiu, Z. Lin,* J. Peng,** Hierarchical self-assembly of conjugated block copolymers and semiconducting nanorods into one-dimensional nanocomposites, Macromolecules 2018, 51, 8833-8843. 
[56].M. Zhu, S. Pan, Y. Wang, P. Tang, F. Qiu, Z. Lin,* J. Peng,* Unravelling the Correlation between Charge Mobility and Cocrystallization in Rod–Rod Block Copolymers for High-Performance Field-Effect Transistors, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 8644-8648. (selected as VIP)  [55].S. Pan, M. Zhu, L. He, H. Zhang, F. Qiu, Z. Lin, J. Peng,* Transformation from Nanofibers to Nanoribbons in Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Solution by Adding Alkylthiols, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2018, 39, 1800048 (Front Cover). 
[54].H. Cui, F. Qiu, J. Peng,* Synthesis and Properties of an All-Conjugated Polythiophene-Polyselenophene Diblock Copolymer, Acta Chim. Sinica, 2018, in press. 
[53].M. Zhu, J. Peng,* P. Tang, F. Qiu, Preparation and Characterization of Highly Stable and Aqueous Dispersion of Conjugated Polyelectrolyte/Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites, Acta Chim. Sinica, 2018, DOI: 10.6023/A18030090
[52].H. Cui, X. Chen, Y. Wang, D. Wei, * F. Qiu,* J. Peng,* Hydrogen-bonding-directed helical nanofibers in a polythiophene-based all-conjugated diblock copolymer, Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 5906-5912. 
[51] Y. Wang, H. Cui, M. Zhu, J. Peng,* F. Qiu, Z. Lin,* Tailoring Phase Transition in Poly(3-hexylselenophene) Thin Films and Correlating Their Crystalline Polymorphs with Charge Transport Properties for Organic Field-Effect Transistors, Macromolecules, 2017, 50, 9674-9682. 
[50] H. Cui, X. Yang, J. Peng,* Feng Qiu,* Controlling the morphology and crystallization of a thiophene-based all-conjugated diblock copolymer by solvent blending, Soft Matter, 2017, 13, 5261-5268.
[49] Y. He, X. Pang, B. Jiang, C. Feng, Y. Harn, Y. Chen, Y. Yoon, S. Pan, C.-H. Lu, Y.Chang, M. Zebarjadi, Z. Kang, N. Thadhani, J. Peng, Z. Lin,* Unconventional route to uniform hollow semiconducting nanoparticles with tailorable dimensions, compositions, surface chemistry and near-infrared absorption,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56, 12946-12951.
[48] F. Lai, Y. Wang, D. Li, X. Sun, J. Peng, X. Zhang,* Y. Tian, T. Liu,* Visible light-driven superoxide generation by conjugated polymers for organic synthesis, Nano Research, DOI 10.1007/s12274-017-1729-6. 
[47] C. Xiang, H. Wan, M. Zhu, Y. Chen, J. Peng, G. Zhou,* Dipicolylamine functionalized polyfluorene based gel with lower critical solution temperature: preparation, characterization, and application, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 8872-8879. 
[46] S. Pan, L. He, J. Peng,* F. Qiu, Z. Lin,* Chemical-bonding-directed hierarchical assembly of nanoribbon-shaped nanocomposites of gold nanorods and poly(3-hexylthiophene). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 8686-8690.
[45] M. Zhu, H. Kim, Y. Jang, S. Park, D. Ryu, K. Kim, P. Tang, F. Qiu, D. Kim,* J. Peng,* Toward high efficiency organic photovoltaic devices with enhanced thermal stability utilizing P3HT-b-P3PHT block copolymer additives, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 18432-18443. 
[44] X. Yang, J. Ge, M. He, Z. Ye, X. Liu, J. Peng,* F. Qiu,* Crystallization and microphase morphology of side-chain cross-linkable poly(3-hexylthiophene)-block-poly[3-(6-hydroxy)hexylthiophene] diblock copolymers, Macromolecules, 2016, 49, 287-297.
[43] L. He, S. Pan, J. Peng,* Morphology control of poly(3-hexylthiophene)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymer by solvent blending, J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys.,2016, 54, 544-551.
[42] Z. Qin, Y. Wang, X. Lu, Y. Chen, J. Peng, G. Zhou,*Multistimuli-responsive luminescence switching of pyrazine derivative based donor-acceptor-donor luminophores, Chem. Asian J., 2016,11, 285-293.  |
[41] Y. Wang, X. Liu, J. Peng,* F. Qiu,* Controlling morphology and crystalline structure in poly(3-hexylselenophene) solutions during aging, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 107970-107976.  |
[40] L. Xu, J. Zhang, J. Peng,* F. Qiu,Formation of nanofibers in poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) toluene solutions during aging, J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys., 2015, 53, 633-639.  |
[39] Y. Wang, Z. Pan, J. Peng,* F. Qiu, Self-assembly of conjugated polymers into ring structures by breath figures, Sci. Adv. Mater., 2015, 7, 848-854.  |
[38] D . Kim,* K. Tanaka, J. Peng, A Special Issue on Functional Polymeric Nanomaterials, Sci. Adv. Mater.,2015, 7, 827-829.  |
[37] H. Xia, Z. Ye, X. Liu, J. Peng,* F. Qiu,* Synthesis, characterization, and solution structure of all-conjugated polyelectrolyte diblock copoly(3-hexylthiophene)s, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 19646-19653.  |
[36] Z. Pan, J. Ge, H. Yang, J. Peng,* F. Qiu, Formation of star-like and linear nanofibers via controlled crystallization of poly(3-dodecylthiophene), J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys.,2013, 51, 1268-1272.  |
[35] H. Yang, J. Peng,* F. Qiu, The influencing factors on the ring-shaped morphology in PI-b-P2VP diblock copolymer, Acta Chim. Sinica,2013, 71, 1141-1148.  |
[34] Z. Pan, J. Ge, W. Li, J. Peng,* F. Qiu,* Transition from polythiophene-based one-dimensional nanofibers to spherical clusters in ultrafiltration, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 9981-9984.  |
[33] H. Yang, H. Xia, G. Wang, J. Peng,* F. Qiu, Insights into poly(3-hexylthiophene)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymer: synthesis and solvent-induced structure formation in thin films, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem.,2012, 50, 5060-5067. .  |
[32] Z. Pan, J. Peng,* Morphologies in acetone-annealed polystyrene-poly(methylmethacrylate) diblock copolymer thin films, Acta Chim. Sinica, 2012, 70, 1371-1378.  |
[31] R. Wang, J. Peng,* F. Qiu,* Y. Yang, Enhanced white-light emission from multiple fluorophores encapsulated in a single layer of diblock copolymer micelles, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 2787-2789.  |
[30] J. Zhang, X. Yu, P. Yang, J. Peng, C. Luo, W. Huang, Y. Han*, Microphase separation of block copolymer thin films, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2010, 31, 591-608.  |
[29] R. Wang, J. Peng,* F. Qiu,* Y. Yang, Z. Xie, Simultaneous blue, green, and red emission from diblock copolymer micellar films: a new approach to white-light emission, Chem. Commun., 2009, 44, 6723-6725.  |
[28] J. Peng, A. Marcos, S. Jeong, H. Frey, D. Kim,* Photocatalytic printing of inorganic nanopatterns via poly(styrene-block-carbosilane) copolymer thin films on titania substrates, Chem. Commun., 2009, 9, 1091-1093.  |
[27] J. Peng, C. Mao, J. Kim,* D. Kim,* From nanodot to nanowire: hybrid Au/titania nanoarrays by block copolymer templates, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2009, 30, 1857-1861.  |
[26] J. Peng, L. Cui, C. Luo, R. Xing, Y. Han,* Constructing and tuning polymer surface microstructures, Chinese Sci Bull, 2009, 54, 679-695. |
[25] Y. Wang,* M. Becker, L. Wang, J. Liu, R. Scholz, J. Peng, U. Gosele, S. Christiansen, D. Kim,* M. Steinhart,* Nanostructured gold films for SERS by block copolymer-templated galvanic displacement reactions, Nano Lett., 2009, 9, 2384-2389.  |
[24] J. Peng, W. Knoll, C. Park, D. Kim,* Two-dimensional arrays of strings of TiO2 nanoparticles via cooperative block copolymer self-assembly, Chem. Mater., 2008, 20,1200-1202. |
[23] J. Peng, M. Chen, F. Qiu,* Y. Yang, B. Sohn, D. Kim,* Simultaneous light emissions from two different types of fluorophores in diblock copolymer micellar films, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2008, 93, 183303.  |
[22] X. Li, J. Peng, J. Kang, J. Choy, M. Steinhart, W. Knoll,* D. Kim,* One step route to the fabrication of arrays of TiO2 nanobowls via a complementary block copolymer templating and sol-gel process, Soft Matter, 2008, 4, 515-521.  |
[21] J. Peng, X. Li, D. Kim,* W. Knoll, Fabrication and photocatalytic activities of morphology-controlled titania nanoobject arrays by block copolymer templates, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2007, 28, 2055-2061.  |
[20] J. Peng, R. Xing, Y. Wu, B. Li, Y. Han,* W. Knoll, D. Kim*, Dewetting of Thin Polystyrene Films under Confinement, Langmuir, 2007, 23, 2326-2329.  |
[19] J. Peng, Y. Han,* W. Knoll, D. Kim*, Development of nanodomain and fractal morphologies in solvent annealed block copolymer thin films, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2007, 28, 1422-1428. |
[18] X. Li, J. Peng, Y. Wen, D. Kim,* W. Knoll, Morphology change of asymmetric diblock copolymer micellar films during solvent annealing, Polymer, 2007, 48, 2434-2443. |
[17] D. Kim,* K. Lau, W. Joo, J. Peng, U. Jeong, C. J. Hawker, J. Kim,* T. P. Russell,* W. Knoll,* An optical waveguide study on the nanopore formation in block copolymer/homopolymer thin films by selective solvent swelling, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006, 110, 15381-15388.  |
[16] J. Peng, D. Kim, W. Knoll, Y. Xuan, B. Li, Y. Han,* Morphologies in solvent-annealed thin films of symmetric diblock copolymer, J. Chem. Phys., 2006, 125, 064702. |
[15] J. Li, J. Peng, W. Huang, Y. Wu, J. Fu, Y. Cong, L. Xue, Y. Han*, Ordered honeycomb-structured gold nanoparticle films with changeable pore morphology: from circle to ellipse, Langmuir, 2005, 21, 2017-2021. |
[14] J. Peng, X. Gao, Y. Wei, H. Wang, B. Li, Y. Han,* Controlling the size of nanostructures in thin films via blending of block copolymers and homopolymers, J. Chem. Phys., 2005, 122, 114706. |
[13] L. Cui, J. Peng, Y. Ding, X. Li, Y. Han,* Ordered porous polymer films via phase separation in humidity environment, Polymer, 2005, 46, 5334-5340. |
[12] X. Lu, J. Peng, B. Li, C. Zhang,* Y. Han,* A Polymer Composite Film with Reversible Responsive Behaviors, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2006, 27, 136-141. |
[11] J. Peng, Y. Wei, H. Wang, B. Li, Y. Han,* Solvent Induced Sphere Development in Symmetric Diblock Copolymer Thin Films, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2005, 26, 738-743. |
[10] J. Peng, Y. Xuan, H. Wang, B. Li, Y. Han,* Solvent vapor induced dewetting in diblock copolymer thin films, Polymer, 2005, 46, 5767-5772. |
[9] J. Li, Y. Wu, J. Fu, Y. Cong, J. Peng, Y. Han,* Reversibly strain-tunable elastomeric photonic crystals, Chemical Physics Letters, 2004, 390, 285-289. |
[8] J. Peng, Y. Xuan, H. Wang, Y. Yang, B. Li, Y. Han,* Solvent-induced microphase separation in diblock copolymer thin films with reversibly switchable morphology, J. Chem. Phys., 2004, 120, 11163-11170. |
[7] Y. Xuan, J. Peng, L. Cui, H. Wang, B. Li, Y. Han,* Morphology Development of Ultrathin Symmetric Diblock Copolymer Film via Solvent Vapor Treatment, Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 7301-7307. |
[6] Y. Xuan, J. Peng, H. Wang, B. Li, Y. Han,* The Formation of Ordered Nanoholes in Binary, Chemically Similar, Symmetric Diblock Copolymer Blend Films, Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2004, 25, 1181-1185. |
[5] J. Peng, Y. Han,* Y. Yang, B. Li, The influencing factors on the macroporous formation in polymer films by water droplet templating, Polymer, 2004, 45, 447-452. |
[4] J. Peng, Y. Han,* Y. Yang, B. Li, Direct patterning of polymer-based photo luminescent structures with a mask, Thin Solid Films, 2004, 450, 329-333. |
[3] J. Peng, H. Wang, B. Li, Y. Han,* Pattern formation in a confined polymer film induced by a temperature gradient, Polymer, 2004, 45, 8013-8017. |
[2] J. Peng, Y. Han,* Y. Yang, B. Li, Pattern formation in polymer films under the mask, Polymer, 2003, 44, 2379-2384. |
[1]J. Peng, Y. Han,* J. Fu, Y. Yang, B. Li, Formation of Regular Hole Pattern in Polymer Films, Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2003, 204, 125-130. |